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Our Services: from the beginning of the Project to the Delivery and Maintenance.

Quality and completeness of services provided by F.lli Scapin is the company’s forte, with the only goal of guaranteeing the Customer’s satisfaction.

Guaranteed services

  • Site inspection and feasibility study
  • Estimates and Cost Analysis
  • Design and Planning
  • Construction, machining and treatments
  • Transport and installation
  • Commissioning and testing
  • Service and maintenance

Qualified Personnel

Thanks to its qualified technical staff, the company can offer a complete range of services, spanning from the mere design concept to the operation and start-up of the works to be built.

Quick interventions

Besides, F.lli Scapin can offer quick ordinary and extra-ordinary maintenance interventions,thus providing the clients with a reliable after-sale service to ensure the proper operation of the installations.

certificazione iso 9001
certificato EN 1090-1 strutture metalliche

F.lli Scapin Services Gallery

Installation of anti-flooding gate doors
collaudo paratoia
Testing of sluice gate
Flap gate positioning
Fixing of wall gate
Installation of pumping system on river
Item commissioning
posa in opera condotta
Laying of pipeline DN600
posizionamento carpenterie
Steelworks positioning
taratura attuatore paratoia
Actuator’s rating on sluice gate